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bedtime stories to read online free - The Best Suitor


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" Princess Marina, was famous—or rather in famous—throughout the country.

'Hey Elliot, did you hear of the latest message from that arrogant Princess Marina?'

'Come on, we don't even know her, so how can we say that she's arrogant?'

bedtime stories to read online free - The Best Suitor
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'Wait till you hear the message she has sent us. Listen:

Message from the Kingdom of Rasov:

The Royal Family of Rasov is delighted to announce that we seek a marriage alliance for the famed Princess Marina. All princes who wish to consider this bond are invited for a three-night ball at the Royal Gardens of Rasov, where the princess will meet you and then arrive at a decision for future consideration. Honored to host you, the Royal Family of Rasov.'

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'Wow, see how terribly arrogant she is. You must not go, Elliot.'

'Why not? What exactly is wrong with the message?'"

"I think it's really sensible to get to know the person one might marry. Only then can anyone decide who's the best suitor for them."

"What? So, what? You're going to stand in line to meet her? You, the mighty Prince of the Empire of Panova?"

"Why don't you have confidence that the mighty Prince of Panova shall turn out to be the best suitor for such an intelligent, strong princess?"

"No, that's not... When is the ball?"

"September the 12th, three months away."

"Then I shall leave tomorrow. Let's see what this princess is like."

So the next morning, Prince Elliot disguised himself as an ordinary man and set off to the Kingdom of Rasov.

"What do you think she's like, Jack?"

"Jack, you deserve a drink, buddy."

"How dare you drink in my lake without payment?"

"I thought nature belonged to everyone."

"I rule the waters here, so you either give me what I want or die of thirst."

"What do you want?"

"That horse. I shall let you drink the water and ensure you get to Rasov, but in return, you must give your horse to me."

"This horse is called Jack, and he's my friend. Friends don't sell each other."

"Then you must pay with your own life."

"My own life it will be, but not without a fight."

The next day...

"Oh, these fruits look so delicious. Want some, Jack? Nice catch, Jack."

"How dare you take my fruit without payment?"

"I thought nature belonged to everyone."

"Not here. I rule the trees, so you either give me what I want or die of hunger."

"What do you want?"

"That horse. I shall let you eat and ensure you get to Rasov, but in return, you must give your horse to me."

"This horse is called Jack, and he's my friend. I will not part with him."

"Then you must pay with your own life."

"My own life it will be, but not without a fight."

Elliot moved on. On the sixth day of travel...

"Oh, hey! You startled me."

"No need for a fight, you know. I shall do whatever it takes to protect Jack."

"And that is why you are the only one fit to marry Princess Marina if you can win her heart."

"Before that, I need to decide whether I want to win her heart."

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"And that is why you're the one worthy. Here, take these: if you plant this staff in the ground, no matter how many sheep you graze, they will always stay around the staff and not stray, even if you are not present. Take this flute: when you play it, the sheep will dance delightfully around. And take this box of shells: whenever you open it, servants who will fulfill every command you give will appear. All the best, Prince Elliot."

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Prince Elliot reached the Palace of Rasov and took a job as a shepherd in the palace. One day, for the first time, he saw Princess Marina.

"Your Highness, tomorrow morning when we sign the treaty, we will create history for both our kingdoms. And yet, you do not give us a copy of that treaty?"

"Our kingdoms have had a bond of mutual trust, Princess, and I do think that your father and his ministers are more than capable. You need not interfere."

"You know what? I have a copy of the treaty."

"What? How impossible! It's not there in your case because it's here!"

"How dare you! This is thievery! Father, look at the third sentence of 0.105. It says, 'The Kingdom of Suprano has the power to change any condition of this treaty at any point in time.' Is that fair, Prime Minister?"

"What? Oh, so you did not discuss this with my father, and you expect us to trust you? If this treaty is called off, it will be on you, Princess Marina, and no suitor will marry an arrogant princess like you."

"How dare you, Prime Minister! You cannot insult our princess like this."

"Oh, quiet, you commoner!"

"I am a proud commoner, not a thief who has just been caught. My darling, you saved us!"

"As the princess, even I am responsible for this kingdom, Father. Just doing my job."

"Thank you."

"Alright, I do want to win her heart."

Elliot would plant the magical staff in the ground and then go into the forest to meet Jack and ride with him. One day, he found a heap of the most beautiful flowers he had ever seen.

"What beautiful flowers! Must have fallen from this tree. How about a beautiful bouquet for Her Highness?"

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That evening, hoping to get noticed by Princess Marina, Prince Elliot played on his magic flute, making the sheep dance delightfully around him.

"Ooh, Princess, look at the bouquet of flowers! It is beautiful!"

"Hey you! The Princess loves those flowers. Let me have that bouquet!"

"Sorry, if the Princess wants the flowers, she must ask for them herself, and that too, politely."

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bedtime stories to read online free for kids

"How dare you!"

"May I have that bouquet of the most beautiful flowers I have ever seen, please?"

"Of course, unless you have picked them for someone else."

"Your Highness, this bouquet is for you, but now I've changed my mind. Tomorrow, I shall get you cacti."

"How dare you speak like that? And why would you do that, sir?"

"Because just as I see you tender and sweet like these flowers today, Your Highness, so had I seen you sharp and protective yesterday, like a warrior. Just like how any prince or princess should be."

"Once again, thank you."

Prince Elliot would delight the Princess by making the sheep dance and by bringing her flowers or cacti or fragrant herbs from the forest, and soon they developed a friendship.

"See you tomorrow, Princess."

"How can you be friends with a shepherd boy? Although he is quite handsome, he is still just a... a very intelligent, sharp, and good man."

"Jack, today is September the 12th. Gosh, all the other princes will be here for the ball, and she has still not shown any interest in marrying me. What will I do?"

"We are at your command, Your Highness."

"I want to be dressed like the most handsome, the most noble, the most elegant prince ever."

"As you wish, Your Highness."

The next day, all the princes from many lands gathered in Rasov to meet the Princess.

"My lady, I have never seen someone so beautiful."

"Beauty is temporary. It is the heart and the mind which count."

"You're insulting a compliment. No lady should do that."

"I am merely stating a truth every man should accept."

"Welcome! Who is that?"

"Your Highness, so pleased to meet you."

"Such a pleasure. Please come."

The three nights of the ball were over, and throughout those nights, Princess Marina spoke to all the princes but not to Prince Elliot. The prince was angry, upset, and hurt. The Princess was to announce her decision to choose a prince the next day.

"Is this it, Jack? Have I lost her? Should I reveal the truth that I am the shepherd who she loves talking to every day? How could she not so much as look at me in all three nights of the ball? Has she chosen someone else?"

The Secret Ingredient

"So I was right. You are no shepherd; you are a prince."

"No, I am a shepherd."

"Still sulking at being ignored, Your Highness?"

"I was just getting back at you for lying to me all these days."

"I didn't mean to lie. I just... Wait, how did you find out?"

"A strange new man in the kingdom who has a horse in the forest and a magical flute from the forest wizards. I had a hunch, and it got confirmed when I saw you dressed as a prince. You cannot disguise your eyes, you know."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"Why didn't you say anything? When were you planning to tell me the truth?"

"I didn't know whether I'd won your heart."

"Well, you have, Your Highness. I have fallen in love with you. You are the best suitor for me."

"And I have fallen in love with you—rather, not love. I have fallen in respect for you since the first day I saw you. There's no one else I would want as my partner through life."

"Think again. They all call me arrogant."

"Because they feel threatened by your strength, and they are too blind to see your compassion. I love you. More than that, I respect you."

So Prince Elliot and Princess Marina were married, and they lived happily ever after, as husband and wife, as friends, as equal partners.

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