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bedtime stories to read online - The Greatest Treasure


 Once upon a time, Peter, a teenaged boy, was knee-deep in the chaos of his unkempt room. Amongst the clutter, he stumbled upon an old, weathered parchment—a map. "Hooray! I'm going to find this treasure and have the adventure of a lifetime! What a way to bring in my birthday!" Eventually, Peter wound up cleaning the rest of his room in excited possession of the map. Then he set off, walked a long way, and reached the mouth of a forest. There he met Leon.

bedtime stories to read online - The Greatest Treasure
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"You're strong and valiant. Would you accompany me on a treasure hunt?"

"Sure, friend! I'm Leon the Lion, and I shall happily walk you through the dense forest and keep you safe. What's your name?"

"How silly of me to have not introduced myself. I'm Peter."

Leon agreed and joined Peter. The forest was dense and dark. Peter was petrified of the weird, animalistic howling of creatures of the wild, but with Leon by his side, he felt safe, and the two made it through.

"Gosh, that was one exhausting walk through the jungle!" Leon and Peter were both really drained. As the sun came up, they finally reached the mountain and met an old, bald eagle perched upon a towering tree.

"Hello, Eagle. You have excellent vision and can alert us if there's any danger lurking around the corner. Would you like to accompany me and Leon? We are looking for a treasure."

"Sure, dear boy. Thank you for your kind words. I would gladly join you both. I'm Ard the Eagle. What's your name?"

"I'm sorry, in all my excitement and hurry, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Peter. Pleased to meet you, Ard."

Ard joined Peter and Leon, and the trio set off together for their quest to find the treasure. The mountains were tall, rugged, and uneven. While scaling it, Leon, who was unfamiliar with the rocky terrain, slipped, but Peter was swift enough to give Leon a hand and pulled him up. Ard, with his razor-sharp vision, watched every step they took and ensured they did not run into any uneventful mishaps. Soon, the trio reached the valley below. As fate would have it, they fortunately bumped into a sheep.

"Hi, I'm Peter. This is Ard and Leon. We are tracking a treasure down. Would you care to join us on this journey? Your woolly soft fleece can keep us warm and protect us in case it gets cold."

"Hello Peter, hello Ard, hi Leon. I'm so glad you asked! I could use a friend or two. I'm lonely, and I would be overjoyed to accompany you three on your quest. Oh, and my name is Sean."

As Peter professed, a cold wind swept across the endless meadow. They all huddled against Sean the Sheep, who kept them warm and cozy. If it wasn't for Sean, all three of them would have become ice-cold popsicles overnight.

"Oh my, what a frigid night! I'm so glad we all saw it through."

The four of them finally reached the desert where they met a camel.

"Hi Camel, this is Leon, Ard, Sean, and oh, I'm Peter, by the way. You are called the ship of the desert. Can I interest you in joining us on this endeavor of finding a treasure?"

"Hi, fellas. I'm a girl, my name is Camila. I heard about this oasis myself. Though I'm solo, I also accidentally treaded the opposite way. I love adventures! Let's go, team!"

So the enthusiastic Camila led the way through the scorching desert. Peter the boy, Leon the Lion, Sean the Sheep, and Camila the Camel set off happily across the arid desert. Ard the Eagle enjoyed the spectacle from above. Camila began galloping, and everyone cheered with sheer excitement.

"Look, Leon! I can see something glistening across the horizon!"

"Woo! We made it! I see it too, Peter! Faster, Camila, we must go faster, please!"

"Camila, I'm sweltering in this unbearable heat. Imagine being a sheep with a fluffy thick fleece with a boy and a lion howling and hooting on a camel's back. Please, for the love of the desert, we must go faster!"

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"Hold your horses, everyone. All that glitters isn't gold. What you see glistening is, in fact, water."

The five finally reached the ocean, and Peter pulled out the map.

"What a bummer. I saw something sparkling and got excited, thinking I found it. Alas, the map does say that there's an ocean to cross. How are we even going to make that happen?"

The five were pleasantly surprised when a soft-spoken creature came out of his shell to inspect what all the commotion was about. They met a turtle.

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"Hello there, don't be afraid. We mean no harm. But sir, we are a long way from home. My name is Sean, and this is Peter, Leon, Camila, and if you tilt your head up, you'd see Ard. He is an eagle, and he is a bit nervous."

"That is a rather unusual bunch. What do you want?"

"Sir, with all due respect, we are on a treasure hunt, and this map I have tells me we need to get across the ocean to get to it. Can you help us?"

The turtle was in a dilemma. He was reticent, kept to himself in the library, and rarely had any visitors. Once again, he scanned the five, and they looked earnest enough. Peter noticed the turtle looked a bit puzzled.

"It's all right if you don't want to join us. We will figure something out. If you say no, we'd understand. No is a full sentence, after all."

The poor turtle was a native of Galapagos Island, which explained his humongous size. He was a gentle giant but got scammed by a cousin and had trust issues.

"No, it's not that. I want to come. I have been cooped up for years in my library. It's about time I thrust myself into an adventure. I take my own time to trust others. Once bitten, twice shy and all. I have made my decision. It's a good thing I'm amphibian and big. Hop on, I will get you across the ocean. I'm Tyler, by the way."

Tyler agreed and joined the five, and five became six.

"Hold on tight. It's going to get rough. Clasp tightly to my shell and do not let go."

"This was a horrible idea. My mane is all messed up. I need to shampoo it once I get back to my jungle."

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"Lucky for me, I'm bald."

"I could lend you my shampoo, Leon, but let's get past these turbulent waves first."

The ocean was cruel. Towering waves crashed about, and it rained heavily, making it all worse. The harsh waves almost capsized Tyler and drowned the party, but Tyler the Turtle fought and skillfully maneuvered the water while everyone held on, one minute at a time. And alas, it was over.

"I don't know about you all, but I had fun! I have never been much of a water sport kind of gal, but wow, that was adrenaline-pumping awesome!"


As they made it to shore and wriggled off the water, they heard a hooting noise. An owl was waiting to meet with the gang.

"If this map is right, we're standing in the exact spot we are supposed to, but I don't see anything. Do any of you?"

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The little clever Bee

The owl spoke from his ancient wisdom.

"Congratulations, you have found the treasure."

"Where is it? I don't see anything here. Oh boy, has the salt water made me blind? Hey Ard, do you see anything from up there?"

"Nope, nothing."

"Is it down there? Where is the treasure?" they all exclaimed in surprise.

"Together you have passed the forest through thick and thin, scaled the mountains, dared the valley, braved the desert, and survived the ocean. You would have never done it without one another."

They all looked at each other and smiled. They realized the wise owl was right.

"I can't tell you how fitting this is. When I ventured out on this journey alone, I thought I would celebrate my birthday by finding this treasure. Instead, I have found my tribe. I found all of you. Thank you. And what are our birthdays without friends?"

They had found friendship indeed, the greatest treasure ever.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday! Happy birthday to you!"

Since that day, the tribe was inseparable, and they all lived happily ever after.

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