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Free bedtime stories for 8 year olds - The Peacock Princess


Welcome, dear visitor, to Eloria. Our kingdom is beautiful, fantastical, and mysterious. In our marketplace, you can find luxurious clothing, shimmering jewels, and decadent delicacies. In the castle, you'll find our dedicated King Lancaster and Queen Marabel. But what you won't find in Eloria, my friend, is our princess, Ivia.

Free bedtime stories for 8 year olds
Free bedtime stories for 8 year olds

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"Another year has passed, my husband."

"I know, dear Queen. Will our daughter ever come home? It has been five years now since she disappeared."

"I don't want to say I've lost hope."

"Then don't. Besides, we have plenty to do before the celebration."

"Some celebration. Princess Ivia is next in line for the throne. As the only daughter to the queen and the only child of direct blood, her claim is strong. However, the Queen's evil sister Matilda would not accept it. She believed she was the rightful heir and summoned dark magic to curse Ivia and banish her from the kingdom. The king and queen never learned what became of their daughter, only that she disappeared thanks to a curse from Matilda. Matilda was banished from the kingdom as well. But where was Princess Ivia?"

"Your Majesty, forgive me. I did not see you standing there."

"Do not fret, Everett. What can I do for you?"

"As you know, Princess Ivia's Disappearance Day celebration is tomorrow evening."

"Yes, Your Majesty. We have high hopes that this year the celebration will draw enough attention from neighboring kingdoms that she may just come home."

"That would be wonderful. Sir, I need you to find an exotic animal, something we have never seen here in this kingdom. My hope is that people from all around will come to view this animal, and even more attention will be brought to Eloria."

"Any animal, sir?"

"Make it fantastical and mysterious, Everett. Now carry on. I'll be eager to see what you bring."

"Your Majesty."

"Culus rotundus!"


"I am no stranger to magic. Show yourself!"

"I've got nothing to show."

"Who are you, and why are you here in the kingdom of Eloria? If you pose a threat to the king and queen, I'll have to—"

"I pose no threat."

"Tell me your name."


"Princess Ivia! Who did this to you?"

"My mother's evil sister Matilda turned me into a peacock and banished me to the other side of the mountain in an attempt to steal the throne from me. I've been searching for the kingdom ever since. I found you. I could tell I was getting close, but I didn't know how close. I had to stop to take a breath."

"I must tell the king and queen. They'll be thrilled. Tomorrow is your Disappearance Day celebration. Imagine their surprise when—"

"What? No! You cannot tell them. Not yet. They can't see me like this."

"You're beautiful. They'll understand."

"It's a curse. No, not until the curse is broken."

"Very well, Princess. I'll leave you to sleep."

"No, please stay with me. I've been alone for so long."

Princess Ivia and Everett sat in the hay and talked until dawn. After hours of exchanging stories, they realized very quickly that they were falling for one another.

"Princess Ivia, is it too bold to tell you that I think I'm falling in love with you?"

"I.. I feel the same way, Everett."

But their happiness wouldn't last very long.

"Gle contra in payon!"

"You know the dark magic, I see. Give me the princess, and I won't hurt you."

"I know the dark magic all right. I'm so sorry. That must have been terrifying."

"Matilda, no! But you... you didn't tell me."

"I know. I—"

"How could you keep this from me, Ivia? I didn't—"

"You're a monster."

It was clear that Princess Ivia was frightened of the Dark Prince Everett. His reputation was that of terror and pain, but what she didn't know was that he had long since forgone that life and his throne.

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"You found our daughter. Where is the princess? What have you done with her?"

"Nothing! I've done nothing, but she isn't here."

"How can we trust you if you've lost her?"

"I promise you I know how to find her again. She's... she's been cursed."


"Your sister Matilda turned her into a peacock."


"I know the dark magic. When I find her, I can transform her back."

"And then you'll leave our kingdom forever?"

"If that's what you wish."

"Save her or not, you know dark magic. You're incredibly dangerous. Why are you here, boy?"

Everett told them his story. The king and queen learned about his banishment, how his father, angry about Everett's choice to leave his home and powers behind, banished him from the kingdom and forced him to find a job working as a stable hand. The king and queen accepted his tale and sent him on his way to find Princess Ivia.

"Transformatio... poob!"

"Hello? Hello? Hello? I was calling you."

"Another peacock in these woods? How... fate, I believe."

"Thank you to fates. How do we get out of this forest?"

"Why would you want to escape?"

"R add hum manum!"

"Hello, Princess."

"You again. You do know the dark magic. You know it better than anyone I've ever met. But why did you become a peacock, Everett?"

"For you, Princess. I would do anything for you."

"You... well, I can change you back."


"I know the spell, but in order for it to work, you have to want to turn back."

"This is all too much."

"That's the easiest part. You just feel the desire in your heart. When I cast the spell, you'll transform back."

"It's not that easy."

"It's not?"

"I'd be more cautious if I were you, Matilda. If you change back into a human, Princess, I will be there to haunt you until the day you die. I'll assure you never take the throne, you never become queen, and you live a terrible, unfortunate life."

"I'd like to see you try."

"And what are you going to do about it, kid? You surprised me earlier with that cute little counter spell, but there's not much else you can say or do that would scare me now. I'm stronger and more determined than ever to end things for sweet little Princess Ivia."

"You're the Dark Prince?"

"The only."

"Your Majesty, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cross your path. They said you were gone. I didn't know. I'm so sorry."

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"If you ever step foot in this kingdom again, I'll assure that you don't have feet to use."

"Yes, Your Majesty. Whatever you say."


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"Do not be afraid. Although I wield one of the greatest dark powers aside from my father, the Dark King, I do not wish to harm you."

"You've kept so much from me."

"No. Everything I've told you is the truth. I do love you, Princess."

"What do you want to do?"

"I don't know."

"Yes, you do. It's okay. You can tell me."

"I want to stay a peacock. The freedom I felt all these years has been incredible. The second I become a human again, the kingdom will require that I take the crown. I don't want to be queen. But I would turn back into a human for you, Everett."

"Princess, I would turn into a peacock for you. Truly, fully. I'd give up my magic, I'd give up my life as a human if it meant I could be with you for the rest of my days. And your throne?"

"Gone. Give it to my brother. I don't care."

"Oh, Everett."

"Transformatio... Pablo. Repeat after me. Transformatio."




"Is it done?"

"Yes. My powers are gone. I'm a peacock for eternity, as are you. A beautiful bird for the rest of our days together."

"What about my parents? They'll want to know you're safe."

"Come, I have an idea."



Prince Everett and Princess Ivia gave up their thrones to be together. Everett never cast another spell, and Ivia never returned to the beautiful kingdom of Eloria. It is said that the king and queen were heartbroken to learn their daughter wished to give up her duties to remain a peacock, but after time passed, they accepted her fate and were nothing but happy for her love and new life. The kingdom of Eloria saw a new queen after the birth of Ivia's younger sister, and she ruled the kingdom in her older sister's honor. The Disappearance Day celebration continues every year on the day of Ivia's disappearance, but no longer in search of her—instead, to celebrate her happiness.
