New bedtime stories

Top 4 Short Stories for Kids


 In a beautiful, lush forest, the animals heard the sound of a quarrel between two crows standing on a high tree branch. The cunning fox came forward and tried to understand the reason for their quarrel. As soon as he got closer, he asked the crows: What's wrong with you, crows? One of them said: We agreed to share this piece of cheese after dividing it equally, but this foolish crow is trying to take an amount greater than his share. 

Top 4 Short Stories for Kids
The two losing crows

1-Short Stories for Kids - The two losing crows

The fox smiled and said: So what do you think about me helping you solve this problem, and dividing the piece of cheese between you equally? The two crows looked at each other and agreed to the fox's suggestion, and gave him a piece of cheese. The fox divided the piece of cheese and said: Oh my God, I made a mistake in dividing it. This piece seems larger than that one. I will eat from the larger piece a little until the two pieces are equal in size. Justice is the basis. He took a bite of the large piece until it became smaller than the first, so he apologized to the crows for his mistake and decided to eat from the first piece until they became equal in size. 

This is the only solution, and the fox remained in this state, dividing the piece unevenly on purpose, then he ate from one piece and it became smaller than the other until He ate the whole piece of cheese as he planned, then ran away from the crows, and here the crows learned the importance of trying to solve their problems on their own without seeking help from anyone.

2-Short Stories for Kids - The cunning fox

The cunning fox There was a large forest, and there was a lion in it that frightened the animals and harmed them, so the forest animals gathered and decided to cooperate together and confront the lion’s brutality and harm, and they came up with a smart plan to lock him in a cage, and indeed their smart plan succeeded, so they trapped the lion, and they enjoyed living happily and safely. One day, a small rabbit hopped past the cage where the lion was confined.

Short Stories for Kids
The cunning fox

 The lion said to the rabbit: “Please, little rabbit, help me get out of this cage.” The rabbit replied: “No, I will never let you out. You torture animals and eat them.” The lion said: “I promise that I will not do these things again, and I will become a friend to all animals, and I will not harm any of them.” The good little rabbit believed the lion's words, so he opened the door of the cage for him and helped him out. As soon as the lion came out, he jumped on the rabbit and caught him, then said: "You are my first prey for today!" The rabbit started screaming and calling for help in panic, and there was a smart fox close to them. Hearing the rabbit's cries for help, he quickly ran to assist. When he arrived, he went to the lion and spoke to him, saying: “I heard that you were locked in this cage.

The Greatest Treasure

 Is that really true?” The lion said: "Yes, the animals trapped me in it," the fox said. "But I don't believe that," he replied.. How can a big and mighty lion like you fit inside this small cage? It seems that you are lying to me.” The lion replied: “I am not lying, and I will prove to you that I was inside this cage.” The lion entered the cage again to prove to the fox that he could fit inside it. The fox quickly approached the cage door, closed it tightly, and trapped the lion in it again, then said to the rabbit: “Never believe this lion again.”

3-Short Stories for Kids - The Lion and the Mouse

The Lion and the Mouse One day, the king of the jungle, the lion, was sleeping, and a small mouse climbed onto his back and started playing. The lion, disturbed by the movement on his back, woke up angrily, grabbed the mouse, and decided to eat it immediately. The mouse was very afraid and began to apologize to the lion for disturbing him, and he begged him to He freed him and not to eat him, then he promised him that he would save him one day if he freed him. 

Short Stories for Kids
The Lion and the Mouse

The lion laughed sarcastically, so how could a small mouse help a strong lion, but he decided to leave him. After a few days had passed, a group of hunters came, captured the lion, and tied him tightly with ropes until they prepared a cage to put him in. The mouse saw the lion in this state and remembered his promise to him, so he approached him and began to bite the ropes until he broke them, and the lion was able to escape and get away from the hunters. The mouse looked at the lion and said, "Didn't I tell you I would save you one day?" The lion, regretting his earlier belittling and mockery of the mouse, thanked him profusely for the rescue.

The Best Suitor

4-Short Stories for Kids - The Fox and the Grapes 

Short Stories for Kids

There was a small fox walking in the forest, and suddenly he saw a bunch of grapes hanging from one of the high branches, and he said: “This is what I needed to quench my thirst.” The fox said to himself happily, then he took a few steps back and jumped, trying to catch the bunch, but he failed. So he tried a second and third time, and continued trying to no avail. Finally, after losing hope, the fox walked away from the tree, saying arrogantly: “They are sour fruits anyway... I don’t want them anymore!” The moral of the story is that it is very easy to criticize what you cannot reach.
