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bedtime stories to read online free, Love Rewind


 "Arila. I don't do this, Mateo. We can work this out."

"No, Aurilla, it's too late for that. If we can't agree on what life is going to look like for us in the future, then it's not worth trying to get there together."

"What are you going to do?"

The little clever Bee

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"I'm breaking up with you." [Applause]

"Did you come for seeds? Well, I don't have any seeds. Oh, I have our tears. You want to know why I'm crying? The love of my life, Prince Mateo, just broke up with me over a stupid argument. We were supposed to get married and grow old together, but he didn't see it that way. Thanks for trying to comfort me, my birdie friends, but it won't work. I'm going to be alone forever. I just know that if I could go back in time and agree with Prince Mateo, he would want to stay with me. I wish I could go back in time and fix things. Go back in time and fix things."

"A, I think I can have that arranged. Watch this. It's like the one my mom wears. It's unlocked. I wonder whose this is. 2024... 2024? That's the year! Ah! Oh, what? Did I just time travel? No freaking way! I was in 1985. That was insane. Oh good, you guys are still here. If I can travel in time, that means I can travel back to when Mateo and I first had our argument about our future. Guys, I can fix this. See you on the other side. Tweets, good luck!"

"We were in that cafe. I remember it like it was yesterday. I hope I can make it in time. There I am. What do I do to get the other me to leave so I can talk to—"

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"Meo, nice! That was fast. I just needed to check my makeup and change my clothes."

"You're wearing a completely different outfit."

"Uh, right. Yes, and change my outfit. Anyways, what were you talking about?"

"You were telling me about your dreams, right? And I said the monarchy is more important."

"Right. It's important to have hobbies, but those can't take precedent over leading our country. Every day needs to be about sitting on the throne and nothing else. I can't see how you could follow your dreams unless those dreams are to rule and do great things."

"I agree. You're right. No more joking around."


"I mean it. I'll be totally in as a princess. No more arts and crafts or singing or dreaming. I just have one condition."

"Tell me."

"We get married this year."

"That's fast. Why wait?"

"Sure, yeah, why wait."

The Secret Ingredient

"Everything okay?"

"Yes, I just dropped my phone. Um, I'll be right back."

"Finally back in the present, but did it work? It worked! We got married! Did you hear that, birdie friends? It worked! It worked! I have to go find Mateo. I need to see my—"




"Good morning."

"Why so glum?"

"You know why."

"Not sure that I do, babe."

"Don't 'babe' me. Tell me what's up."

"I found an art set in your room. I thought we talked about this. You promised you wouldn't waste your time painting and dreaming about being an artist and instead you would focus on running the kingdom."

"I can do both!"

"This is what I'm talking about. You're making all of these open-ended promises that never come to fruition. Listen to what I'm saying. You can't do both."

"Actions speak louder than words."

"Exactly. You haven't shown me anything."

"Let me show you I can follow my dreams and rule."

"You should be dreaming about being on the throne."

"I think... I think we need to break up."

"But we're married."

"Not anymore."

"What am I going to do?" [Tweets]

"Everything is all messed up again."

"Hello, Princess Arila."

"Oh, how long have you been standing there?"

"Just a moment."

"You've got to give a girl a heads-up."


"You can't just jump out at someone like that."

"I understand. Next time, I'll try a little 'Hey, I'm here' before I just appear, okay?"

"Arila, I see you used the watch."

"This is yours. I conjured it to give you the opportunity to travel in time."

"You said you wanted to go back and fix things."

"Yes, but it didn't work. Prince Mateo still left me."

"Do you think that perhaps Prince Mateo isn't the man you're supposed to be with?"

"Don't be silly."

"Um, I didn't catch your name."


"Don't be silly, Mosaic. I'm meant to be with Prince Mateo."

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"I encourage you to stop dwelling on the past, Princess, and begin to look towards the future. Everything that is behind you has molded you into who you are today. Like tiny pieces of stone and glass, it fits together to build you into something beautiful. If you continue to shatter the pieces that make you you, then you'll be left with nothing but scattered tiles. It's time to enjoy your beauty and look to the future. Let the sunshine through you and show you your colors."

"No, I can fix this! Opposites attract, right?"

"Opposite personalities, yes. Opposing values and interests, not necessarily."

"2019, the year we started dating."

"I thought you went to the bathroom, and are you wearing a different outfit?"

"Yes. I know. How much do you love being a prince?"

"Talking about ruling on the first date, Princess? Bold."

"It means everything to me."

"Great. Me too. Love it. Can't wait to do literally nothing else." [Applause]

"Aurilla, you're early."

"Yes, I like to be on time. Anyways, I was thinking I'd like to dedicate my entire life to being a ruler of our country and give up all of my dreams."

"That's random, but I've been waiting to hear that from you. Thank you."

"Good. Uh, you're welcome. I'll be right back."


"Arila, I—"

"Yes, Mateo?"

"You want to ask me something?"

"No, Aurilla, it's too late for that. If we can't agree on what life is going to look like for us in the future, then it's not worth trying to get there together."

"Mateo, wait! You were going to propose, right? Go ahead, propose! I'll say yes!"

"I don't want to marry you."

"But I told you I only want to be a princess."

"Of course. I remember you told me on our first date that you dream of ruling exclusively, but you dream of being an artist."

"That's not true!"

"I said actions speak louder than words. Remember? All along, you weren't being truthful with me, Aurilla. I'm tired of the broken promises and the lies."

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"I've never lied to you!"

"I like to be on time. You said that early on in our relationship, and you haven't been on time since. I spend hours waiting for you every day. It's too much. I deserve better than this. I deserve a wife that will dedicate everything to the throne, and so does our country."

"Did you learn that you can't change the past to affect the future?"

"You... you gave me this watch so I could go back in the past and change my relationship so that Mateo wouldn't break up with me."

"No. I gave you the watch, but that was never my intention. Or your parents'."

"My parents?"

"You lie!"

"I admit I never told you how to use the watch. We were hoping you would learn that on your own."

"What other purpose could a time-traveling watch have other than to change the past?"

"I like to think of the watch as a mirror. Our hope is that you could use its powers to reflect on what was wrong about your relationship with Prince Mateo. Your parents are worried about you. They sent me here. May I see the watch?"

"They can see us?"

"No, they can't."

"I love waking up early in the morning. There's something beautiful about the sunrise."

"Oh, staying up late is way better. I like to sleep in."

Mud Pony

"That's only one example."

"I'm sorry I'm late."

"It's okay, I guess, but we don't have much time left on the lane."

"That's fine. Let's just go somewhere else."

"But I love bowling."

"I don't. You know that it's okay to do things you don't like to do sometimes, Arila."

"We always do what you want to do, Mateo. Can't we do what I want to do once in a while?"

"What you want to do is boring."

"Just agree with me on something once, please. That's all I ask. One time."

"I completely forgot about this."

"It seems like you two disagree on a lot of things and were pretty mean to each other. Does Mateo sound like someone you'd really want to marry? Do you sound like someone Mateo should want to marry?""Maybe not."

"Do you see what I'm trying to show you? Prince Mateo was never perfect for you, and you were never perfect for him."

"I see, Mosaic. But now what? I'm all alone."

"Now we look to the future. A car is arriving, Princess Arila."

"Who's here?"

"Prince Christopher."

"Don't give up hope. She's going to be okay, little tweet. Now take this watch and drop it in the ocean where no one can find it."

Princess Arila and Prince Christopher married on a warm summer day in June. They found their true love in one another, and the pieces of their past fit perfectly to create a life where dreaming and responsibility work together to create beautiful art

The Greatest Treasure
