New bedtime stories

Funny bedtime stories - THAT WILL MAKE YOU LAUGH OUT LOUD


 Looking for a way to end your day with a smile? Dive into our collection of **Funny Bedtime Stories**! These hilarious tales are perfect for both kids and adults, offering a mix of clever jokes, playful scenarios, and whimsical characters. Each story is designed to entertain and bring joy, making bedtime a fun and laughter-filled experience. Join us and discover the magic of winding down with a good laugh before drifting off to sleep.

Funny bedtime stories
Funny bedtime stories.

funny bedtime stories for adults

This story is about a mother who asked her child what he was doing and ended up finding out about some of life's truths in the process. It goes like this:

A mother asked her child, "Do you know that God was here when you were stealing cookies from the kitchen?"

"Yes, I do."

"And do you know that He was looking at you all this time?"

"Yes, I do."

"And what did He say?"

"He said, 'There is nobody here apart from us, so take some cookies for me too.'"

God definitely enjoyed helping that little kid out.


2. The Tone Deaf Rich Man

This story is about a rich man who chased his dreams, though he seemed to chase them too far for our liking. It goes like this:

One rich man decided to realize his old dream: to lead an orchestra. He hired a drummer, three saxophonists, and 24 violinists. During the first rehearsal, he conducted so poorly that the drummer suggested to the other musicians to leave him. But one saxophonist said, "Why do we have to leave? He pays well, moreover, he probably understands the music."

At the next rehearsal, the conductor could not get a rhythm. Angry drummers started a deafening drumming. The conductor asked for silence, looked around the musicians, and asked, "Who did this?" Of course, all the musicians looked around and simply stared into the sky.

funny bedtime stories


3. Two Hunters and a Plane

Two hunters had rented an airplane to get to the distant forest zone. After a couple of weeks, the pilot returned to take them back. After looking at their hunting trophies, he said, "The plane will be able to carry more than one buffalo; you will have to leave one of them."

"But last year the pilot agreed to take on board two buffaloes the same size as these," the hunters protested.

The pilot thought about it and said, "Okay, if it worked last year, it should work the same this time too."

The plane tried to take off with the two passengers and the two buffaloes on board, but it was not able to reach the required height. The plane crashed into the nearest hill. After getting out of the plane wreck, the hunters looked around. One of them said to the other, "Where do you think we are?"

His pal examined the surroundings and answered, "I think we are two miles south from the plane that we crashed last time."


adult funny bedtime stories

4. Gassing the Wrong Car

This poor man made a silly mistake when he was gassing his car. Let's take a look at it:

When my father ran out of gas, he called my mother to pick him up in her car. They went to a gas station, filled a gas can, and returned to his car. After a few minutes, he got into her car again.

"We need to go back to the gas station," he said.

"One gallon wasn't enough?" she asked.

"It would have been if I'd put it in the right car."


bedtime stories funny for adults

5. The Gambling Couple

While we don't condone gambling, this hilarious story lets you know how to cleverly disguise a loss while doing so:

One married couple came to visit their friends at the other end of the country. Their friends took them to the races. Fascinated by overlooking the horses racing around the racecourse, the husband and wife were playing sweepstakes all evening, while only two dollars left in their pocket.

The next day, the husband said that he would go to the races alone. In the first race, he put two dollars on the outsider, and the horse came to the finish first. He put all his winnings on the next race and won again. That day, he was very lucky; his winnings had reached $57,000. In the evening, on the way home, he saw a gambling house. The inner voice, the one that told him today what kind of horse he needed to put his money on, said, "Come in and play."

The man came inside and saw roulette before him. The voice said, "Number 13." The man put all $57,000 on number 13. When the roulette stopped, the dealer announced number 14. He returned home with empty pockets. His wife asked, meeting him near the door, "How did you play?"

Her husband shrugged his shoulders. "I've lost two dollars," he said.


So, what did you think of these hilarious stories? Did you laugh like crazy while listening to them? Let us know in the comments below.

bedtime stories for adults
